Dental Services
- Dentist's consultation and case evaluation
- Dental treatment plan
- Ortodontic treatment plan
- Impressions - partial or total
- Contact intra-oral anaesthesia
- Infiltrative intra-oral anaesthesia
- Regional intra-oral anaesthesia
- Oral hygienic procedure
- Fluorisation
- Obturation -amalgame
- Obturation - composite photopolimer (white filling )
- Curettages
- Devitalisations and root canal treatment
- Scaling and polishing
- Teethextraction
- Cyste surgical treatment
- Crowns (all types)
- Bridges
- Denture repair
- Pinlays
- Temporary dentures
- Partial dentures
- Ortodontist and surgeon consultation organised in house
- Peri-odontic laser treatment